- The 'community' which is fighting for sexual and reproductive rights has years of experience in the fight against that other pandemic, hiv. Important lessons can be drawn from this.
UNAIDS broke it down:
- The response to the crisis must always be based on a Human Rights approach.
- More vulnerable groups should be identified in a non-stigmatising way
- Efforts should focus on those groups that would otherwise easily be excluded from care.
- Health workers should thus be equipped with information and knowledge about the needs of the most vulnerable sections, such as women, people living in poverty, people living with an illness, people in rural areas, people with disabilities, people in detention, people living in slums or other informal settlements and the homeless.
- Vulnerable sections of the population should be recognized themselves as health workers as they care family members, peer outreach, etc. In other words, they are also on the frontline of the epidemic. Their security and protection must therefore also be a priority.